California Energy Commision Registered. |
Lower Energy Bills – Plugs Into Any Standard 120V Outlet. |
The Energy Efficient HydroMate System. |
Patented AquaSense Ozone Water Sanitation System. |
The SmartChip Power Monitoring System. |
Sealed, High Density Insulated Cover. |
Manufactured in a Green Facility – No Harmful VOC** levels. |
The California Energy Commission has documented that Softub is the most energy efficient hot tub gallon for gallon. Softub can be kept at 104°F and used every day, for 20 minutes, at an average cost of only $10 a month. Softub has achieved this position due to unique the product’s technological attributes. This includes the combination of the energy efficient HydroMate® System, the SmartChip™ Power Monitoring System, the high density insulated cover and tub. Softub is also renewable and recyclable, making the product truly sustainable compared to any other brand. In addition, Softub, Inc. is a green manufacturing facility, where no harmful VOC levels are present |
All of our domestic tubs (120 volt, 60 Hz) are built to meet or exceed the UL-1563: Electric Spas, Equipment Assemblies and Associated Equipment standard, which is the applicable standard for our products. We are certified by ETL and our control numbers are 59987 for our Valencia, CA manufacturing facility and 3037126 for our New Bedford, MA facility. |
All of our export tubs (240 volt, 50 Hz) are built to meet or exceed all of the applicable standards for the European Union. For this reason, we apply the CE certification label, which is a self-certification. |
All of our export tubs (240 volt, 50 Hz) are built to meet or exceed the requirements of the CB scheme in accordance with the IEC standards, the applicable EMC standards and the GS standards of EN 60335-1:91 + 1:94 + A11:95 + A1:96 + A12:96, EN 60355-2-60:97, DIN EN 292-2:91 + A1:95, EN 27779:91, EN 50366:2003 +A1:2006 & DIN EN ISO 12100-2:2004. We are certified by Nemko and our report number is 79992. |
All of our tubs are also manufactured in accordance with ANSI/NSPI-6 1999: American National Standard for Portable Spas. Additionally, we also test our suction systems to ANSI/APSP -7: American National Standard for Suction Entrapment Avoidance in Swimming Pools, Wading Pools, Spas, Hot Tubs and Catch Basins. We meet or exceed the requirements of the standard. |
All of our covers meet or exceed ASTM F 1346-91: Standard Performance Specification for Safety Covers and Labeling Requirements for all Covers for Swimming Pools, Spas and Hot Tubs. |